My next step was becoming a certified hypnotherapist.

This opened many doors. Shortly after I received my first Tarot card reading, I opened a community healing space with in Portland, Oregon, with the Tarot reader. The space was called called Quacking Grass, which came from a flower essence that is supportive of community and collaboration — a theme that has been an important one in my life. The space would host monthly metaphysical gatherings. This was an opening for me to learn about and explore psychic abilities, mediumship, channeling, shamanic practices, Tarot cards, astrology, working with spirit guides, flower essences, essential oils, energy work including Reiki and the The Reconnection, as well as many others.
Here are some helpful tools I discovered while exploring communication and authentic expression in my mid-twenties: Solsara, Non-Violent Communication, Peer to Peer counseling, and dance — partner dance being particularly awkward and rewarding!